-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.
* Mariana Ovalle *
October 13, 2013 3:31 AM
Subject: para xuxu
De noite,
eu ouço a musica
do silencio das estrelas,
que sem falar,
cantam a musica do céu!
Que lindo!
Ao amanhecer
as ondas falam
quando rolam e rolam suas aguas
sob a areia.
A dança . . .
que é o ballet da praia!
Eu mergulho no verde do mar
e escuto o silencio do infinito.
As palavras me fogem
Nao sei falar para expressar
meu ser.
Me perdoe por ser tao diferente.
Eu nasci quando a lua era minguante
e o sol nascia.
Entao o sol e a lua se beijaram
e eu nasci muda.
eu sou a lua!
eu sou o sol!
eu sou mariana,
que te ama.
am a friend of the night.
The night loves me,
and I love her.
We stay together
until my eyes, rest shut.
I love the morning,
she is my love.
She is fair and young,
and soon grows,
no longer a baby to love.
I sleep to wake, to find her gone.
For she has skipped and danced
Into the midday sun.
I call to her,
but she can't hear,
for she has merged into the afternoon glow.
Now comes the twilight,
and my friend the night approaches.
We meet again,
And stay together
under the dome,
of starlit blue sky.
To God I give my friend the night.
To God I give, my love the morning,
and to God I give my self in love.
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2013 1:34 AM
please accept a poem, for your love
written in the voice of - Xuxu
Michelangelo's Pieta
held a prayer for me.
I asked Michelangelo
To lead me to love,
the love I felt
in the love of his Pieta.
That day, I walked in the midday sun
to where, no where was home,
and even the most beautiful sky,
held no stars for me.
The moon
was just a lonely figure,
and the most beautiful blue,
was merely a color, from a tube of paint.
That night,
I cried with tears of rain. . .
The next day
I saw your face,
and it shone with a remembrance
I knew,
you would remember.
And when I touched your hand,
our hands merged into one,
and in your eyes
I saw the beautiful sky
I had searched in beauty, to find.
Each day,
bathed in the sunlight
of our love,
We watch the birds bathe
in the fountain of our oneness.
the pieta of love : Myriam.
Sunday, August 04, 2013 7:53 PM
Subject: I love you, Xuca
Eu amo voce Xuxu
someday when we go to heaven,
we will be angels together
and will fly over beautiful places,
and there, all will be understood
so. so perfectly!
Nascemos com coragem?
Nascemos com fome?
Nascemos com sede?
E a felicidade. . .
Nascemos felizes?
Eu nasci pequena,
e com olhos e coraçao abertos.
Escutava as ondas do mar
deslizando sobre a areia da praia.
Era a musica do Céu
Breve aprendi a sentir tristeza.
Breve aprendi a sentir saudade
aprendo a ter coragem,
e entrego a vida
para o lindo do céu.
A noite me acolhe,
e a luz da lua
me da amor.
Aplaudo a coragem
de um ser,
que luta para mudar o mal,
para o bom.
Que usa sua energia,
para impedir que o mal
disfrute sob o mundo.
Aplaudo o anjo em Geraldina,
que tem asas mais grandes,
que ja vi em um pessoa!
Os anjos sao assim!
Eu nasci peixinho cor de prata,
e no mar verde
eu procuro pedrinhas azuis,
para beliscar.
Oh Geraldine de asas grandes,
vem ver sua prima peixinha,
no mar!