Isolda Hermes da Fonseca
(Rio de Janeiro 1924 – 2004)
‘In search of beauty’
Known by all for her intelligent and surprising spontaneity, generosity and joy of living, the great Brazilian Isolda was brave as a general to her last moments on Earth.

  Isolda Hermes da Fonseca

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 7 April 1924
1947/48 Corcoran School of Art, Washington D.C., USA
1948/49 New York, USA
1949/51 Florence, Italy

1947/48 Corcoran Gallery, Washington and Artists, USA
Cooperative, Washington, USA
1948 Washington Outdoor Show, USA
1951/63 Salão de Arte Moderna  Rio, Brazil
1964 University of Delaware, USA
Bertuche Gallery New york, USA
Paintings and Drawings, Madison Avenue, New York, USA
1964/68 Herbert Star Gallery, New York USA
1965 Brazilian Cultural center, New York, USA
Brian Gallery New York, USA
Adelphi University, New York, USA
1976 Coletiva de Verão, Ranulfo Galeria, Recife, Brazil
1990-'Poetische Kunst'-Galerie Studio, Gent, Belgium
1991 Exposição Nipo Brasileira Bikokai Rio, Brazil
2005 Galeria Embaixada da Argentina Rio, Brazil
and other Collectives.

1956 Petite Gallerie, Rio, Brazil
Galeria IBEU, Rio, Brazil
1959 Livraria Thomas Jefferson, Rio, Brazil
1962 Galeria Gead, Rio, Brazil
1963 Brazilian Cultural Center, New York, USA
1964 West Nyack Clarksville, New York, USA
1967 Centerville, Delaware, USA
1969 Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, USA
1969 Varanda, Rio, Brazil
1971 Irlandini, Rio, Brazil
1973 IBEU, Rio, Brazil
1976 Mini Gallery, Rio, Brazil
1977 Ranulfo Galleria de Arte, Recife, Brazil
1978 Galleria Academia Internazionale, Roma, Italy
Per la unitá de la Culultura, Roma, Italy
Ranulfo Galeria de arte, São Paulo, Brazil
Ranulfo Galeria de Arte, Recife, Brazil
1981 Galeria Ranulpho, São Paulo, Brazil
1982 Galeria da Ana Maria Niemeyer, Rio, Brazil
1983   Museum of the Vatican, Roma, Italy
Galeria Ranulpho, Recife, Brazil
1984 Galeria Ranulpho, São Paulo, Brazil
1986 'Romantic Art' in De Mattenburg, Bergem op Zoom, Holanda
Galeria da Accademia Internazionale Burckhardt, Roma
1987-Hotel Astória, Hamar, Norway
Galeria Ranulpho, Recife, Brazil
1995 Retrospectiva no Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio, Brazil
1997 D`Hoogpoorte, Gent, Belgium
2005 'The Master of the Mother pearl'
Retrospectiva Galeria da Fesp, Rio, Brazil
2006 'In Search of Beauty' Gallery Man and Nature,
Latem, Belgium

Greek head
250 €

Two heads 'ink'
3000 €

Reclining woman.
3000 €

24 Lovers
2000 €

3000 €

Birds mating 1
5000 €

8000 €

Dancer ( sanquinea)
. 5000 €

LIST of works of the private collection for sale
Drawings paintings and portraits
Year 2013 work estimated for a museum around these Prices

Oil on pannel
24x19cm ( 10000 € )

Orfeo - Oil on pannel
22 x 16cm ( 10000 € )

Soul- Private collection..
6000 €
(Poster 40x50 cm: 20 €)

Figure with a cape- Private collection
5000 €

Angel- Private collection ...
5000 € 
(Poster 40x50cm: 20€)

Isolda child.
5000 €

Orminda and child
8000 €

Reclined mother and child.
8000 €

Gold angel
5000 €

8000 €

  Veil of Light
Private collection.
6000 €

Two gold angels.
.5000 €

Children Playing
2000 €

Lady and the white horse-
Private collection ...

Drawing of a man .
3000 €

Young man (Pensil drawing)
.3000 €

Woman and the moon drawing.
2000 €

Trinity -private collection-
10000 €

Print drawing
300 €

Greek woman.
300 €

Man and dogs
.2000 €

Birds mating 2
5000 €

Horse riders

Boy and the horse gold.

Simple drawing

To see this collection
further and turn the page
click here

you can e mail us if interested

1948 Honorable prize Washington Outdoor Show, USA
1960 Medalha de Prata Museum de Belas Artes, Rio, Brazil
1962 Segundo prêmio Concurso Formiplac, Rio, Brazil
1964 Acquisition Prize, University of Delaware USA
First prize, Awiza Pond, Bay Shore USA,
Second prize, Cross Country, New York, USA,
Third prize, Forest Hills, New York, USA
1977 Nativitá 77, Medaglia per pitura, Napoli, Italy
Nativitá 77, Primo premio Internazionale
con medaglia Aurea della Respone per disegno;
Membro Academico dela Accademia Internazionale Burckhardt
Suissa 1978 Membro Accademico di Merito
della Accademia dei 'i 500' di Arti,
Lettere, Scienze, Cultura, Roma, Italy,
Premio Campidoglio d'Oro, Pittura, Roma, Italy
Centro Cultura Le Don Minzoni,
Capena Concorso di pittura Sacra,
premio Speciale con Grande Medaglia de 'Il Quadrato'
1979 Nativitá 79, 1 premio, Regione Campania;
Ente provinciale per il Turismo, Roma, Italy
Trofeo Claudio Monteverdi, Roma, Italy
Premio Speciale disegno Il Canacollo Galleria d'Arte, Firenze, Italy,
Galleria Bottega d'Arte S. Ambroeus,
Milano Premio speciale per disegno con Medaglia
Premio fuori Concorso "Santa Croce", Firenze, Italy

'Stations of the cross', Igreja de Araruama, Estado do Rio, Brazil, 1962
Dicionario Das Artes Plasticas no Brazil, Roberto Pontual, 1969
Ilustrations of the sonnets of Shakespeare, Nova Fronteira, Rio, 1973
Monografia "Arte figurativa nel mondo" pela Academia per la
Unità della Cultura by Aurelio Thommaso Prete, Roma, Italy
Publication on the art works of ISOLDA Hermes da Fonseca,
Thommaso Prete, Roma, Italy Roma, Italy 1978
Participated with paintings to "A Sucessora' TV Globo, Rio, Brazil, 1978
Illustrations of the life of Saint Francisco of Assisi
Piero Bargellini, translation by Padre Godinho, Sao Paulo, Brazil 1980
Museum of Vatican (with painting of Santa Cecília), Roma, Italy 1983
Sotherby´s , South American Art  New York, USA., 1987
Medalha de ouro no VIII Rio- Bi Exposição Nipo-Brasileira de Artes
given the title of  "A MESTRA DA MADREPÉROLA",
('The Master of the Pearlmother')  in Rio, Brazil 1991

For reproductions  contact
Art gallery Man & Nature
Arnold Eloy/
Tel. 0496 / 80.57.99 - E-mail:

"The face is the great landscape",
Isolda used to say
Isolda Hermes da Fonseca
(Rio de Janeiro 1924 - 2004)
'In search of beauty'

About Isolda
Written by van Chapman
Press presentation
Known by all for her intelligent
and surprising spontaneity,
her generosity and joy of living,
the great Brazilian Isolda
was brave to her last moments
on the Earth.

For reproductions  contact
Art gallery Man & Nature
Arnold Eloy/
Tel. 0496 / 80.57.99 - E-mail:

"The face is the great landscape",
Isolda used to say
Isolda Hermes da Fonseca
(Rio de Janeiro 1924 - 2004)
'In search of beauty'

About Isolda
Written by van Chapman

Known by all for her intelligent and surprising spontaneity, her generosity and joy of living, the great Brazilian Isolda was brave to her last moments on the Earth.
Capable of playing and wanting to uplift those who love her and suffer with her departure of the physical form.
At the age of eighty, after some month of infirmity, she managed to release her body quick and decisively; as it was her way of resolving things in life.
Inspite the immense lack we feel, let us be conscientious that we are nearer to those we love and in whom we think, than to those we are physically close to.
Isolda left her body on the 26 September 2004 in her atelier in Rio
and is following now in heaven her path in search of the true face of the angels.

3 Dec 2006
The name Isolda is perhaps inspired by a heart breaking music of Wagner, on the drama of 'Tristan and Isolda', a passionate prohibited love and a romantic death, similar to Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'.

An enthusiastic lover of the Greek ideal, of the Renascence, of Humanism and the great achievements of the human spirit, like Art, Music, Poetry and Science, the great Brazilian painter Isolda makes right to her name, by the lyricism, romanticism, and heroic spirit visible in her work.
But she goes further, in search of the face of the angel, of the Divine, in search of the true love, the source of all beauty.

.-"The face is the great landscape", she used to say.

True angels
destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.

a non-Governmental, non-profit organization.
promotes spiritual self awareness,
and the contemplation of the beauty of Nature
through Art and Philosophy .

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[Isolda Hermes da Fonseca]
[Isolda page 2]

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