In his Perennial Philosophy, Aldous Leonard Huxley   gave a beautiful example from ancient Chinese literature of the sign of a great artist: Ching, a famous artist who made sculptures of supernatural* beauty , was asked how he made such art.
His method was to rid the mind from obstacles: in the first day he meditated and got rid of the desire to become rich. The next day he meditated, and got rid of the desire for prestige and fame. In the third day, of the desire for power, and so on every day. On the seventh day he went to the woods, found some wood, and made a sculpture. All his secret,was in the preparation of his state of mind and heart.

Philosophic Community Project
van Chapman

Naturestudio would encourage the love for the beauty of Nature,
Spiritual self awareness, through Art and Philosophy,
and peaceful solutions for world conflicts.

Naturestudio officially a VZW since 2010,
a non-Governmental, non-profit organization.
A concept of Geraldine Fonseca Chapman (van Chapman)
Co founder: Myriam Vandenberghe an  artist, and a bibliothecarian. .
New:collaborator, : Carl Vandenberghe, Garden Architect .
The ocean clean up -19-year-old Boyan Slat shows how the sea itself helps us clean it up from plastic trash. - This is worth attention! - All governments of the world should look into it seriously and collaborate with this project:

Synopsis  "Garden Angel" A Naturestudio film project

To be in nature asks for a silent mind, open to what is. In this peaceful state of mind, the secret beauty of nature and our existence reveals itself. From a drop of water on a flower petal in a garden in Gent, Europe, to a wild river in a tropical rain forest of Brazil, the beauty, unity, harmony and creative mystery is the same.

Myriam Vandenberghe is a Flemish artist. Her garden is famous among those who have had the chance to see it.  from a small backyard where filth and trash was  dumped, our Garden angel has created a garden of endless enchantment.
More than to tell a story, the images of this film convey that spirit of wonder, which every one of us had as a child, and which wisdom teaches us never to lose.
This project shows how beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder, and how, even in a modern civilized world, respect and love for all living beings is a key to regain the innocence and joy of  paradise lost.

Contact van Chapman if you are a interested film  producer.

@BBCWorld Gazanutshell:to kill for a belief is wrong-except ours=no proof God gave Israel to Jews or Koran to Muslims

— van Chapman (@van_chapman) July 20, 2014


In this site there are painting of our artists. 
We offer a commission of 30 up to 50% to the European and American help organizations which can sell them for us through their websites.

Please contact us  for more details through our site:
Follow @van_chapman
How listening to Mozart helps premature babies put on weight:
Let no belief hijack your mind or the truth of your heart! or islam
If you are in a desert, it is great to find water and turn it into an oasis. But if instead you rather fast for days in the desert and are satisfied with a mirage or vision, I don't care which, to make a work of art and beauty, out of it is also fine; but rather not kitsch, and certainly not a terrorist state!
Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins
For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

"Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins",

If you still did not see it this might interest you:
Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!
and EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!

  Holy war? -Combat falsehood, not those who are false !
That is what saviours do, true fathers & mothers of mankind!

Rather than (Koran) :'kill unbelievers wherever you find them' ,
kill falsehood , wherever you find it - even in your holy books!

I ask Obama how can he reconcile civil freedom and human rights with its antithesis, the Islam ?
Will he say- 'Yes we can?'
No. Only fearless and total sincerity can solve this impasse. By turning a 'politically correct' blind eye to Islam, Obama cannot solve the ISIS problem at its root, in the consciousness.
Only pass the problem on to another...

Whether it is the Islamic State or the United States, the problem with anyone, any state, starts when they  forsake and prohibit self-critic honesty. ( turning an 'Islamic correct' or 'politically correct-blind eye' to their own incoherence). Incoherence with what we know is the way of love and love's Justice, simply out of self interests- that is when a religion becomes terrorism, and a state stops the fair peace process to become a tyrannical invading force! Dear Muslims and dear Mr. President, understand this, for the best of all.

van Chapman (van_chapman) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from van Chapman (van_chapman). True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them...

Naturestudio would encourage the love for the beauty of Nature,
Spiritual self awareness, through Art and Philosophy,
and peaceful solutions for world conflicts.

Naturestudio officially a VZW since 2010,
a non-Governmental, non-profit organization.
A concept of Geraldine Fonseca Chapman (van Chapman)
Co founder: Myriam Vandenberghe an  artist, and a bibliothecarian. .
New:collaborator, : Carl Vandenberghe, Garden Architect .
To the United Nations Human Rights Organization :
van Chapman

For further meditations on this,
see a dialogue  LOVE OR BELIEF

This message was translated in many languages and given to the Parliament and Council of Europe, Strasbourg, in 1999:

14 Oct. 2014
To pre-scientific societies, the world was flat,
the sun and the stars turned around the earth.
At sunset, the sun sunked
in a mud pool at the horizon.

The biblical 'Day of Creation'
would be around 3761 BC.

And some of their "Words of God"
did not consider God a father
because they ruled not with uplifting,
enlightening love,
but wih a damning iron heart,
which killed the ignorant,
and not the ignorance!

Surelly God's Word need urgent updating…

One cannot force love or clarity by violence,
by violent beliefs!
it comes of its own
through awareness; not desire.
This understanding is shared
between true people of peace, like Gandhi.
Should they who thirst and hunger for justice;
the peace makers, be forced by Allah
to convert to Islam and its cold blooded killings
and bloody jihad?
I do not think so.
-Philosophic Community Project-
True angels destroy not men,but the falseness in them.
For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.


    It is not that a predator animal can create a hell out of the life of its pray that we are justified in doing the same as animal predators.

van Chapman


  A vegetarian meditation about the Islam

According to a documentary on TV about Mecca, in memory of Abraham, one is asked to kill, or have a sheep killed for them, one sheep per person or seven persons or family in Mecca, as part of a religious ritual duty.

What if you are a vegetarian? There is no real need to kill to eat if you are a vegetarian.
(Maybe in the time of Abraham it was not possible to live as a vegetarian, there was only desert, grass and sheep, like in deserts, in some parts of  Africa and Afghanistan today...) But if  the Islam obliges men to do that, even today, the Islam is a religion whose “Most merciful” God Allah encourages, if not obliges people to be a carnivore.

( Surah 3:85 'If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost all spiritual good.')
If you think that not SPIRITUAL SELF AWARENESS, OR FAITH IN LOVE, but the  ISLAM of Mohammed  is the only acceptable religion for the whole of humanity, then, if ALLAH tells you to kill, even if it makes no sense, as a Muslim you must obey. You are forced to live as a carnivore, even if you can liveas a vegetarian; and this is absurd.
And the picture becomes horrible indeed if anywhere in the Koran it is written that the faithful to Allah must kill the unbeliever, unfaithful to Mohammed’s Allah:
Quran (2:191-193) - "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]...and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah." what is also absurd; and a crime according to Human Rights and the European and Western World Laws. For refusing to murder a sheep for a ritual in Mecca, being as a harmless vegetarian Buddhist or Hindu, for example,
or refusing the crime to kill any human being for a difference of belief, one could be considered an unbeliever, and risk to be murdered by followers of Mohammed as the Taliban.  THIS FAITH IS in contradiction with ‘LOVE YOUR ENEMIES’ of  JESUS;
This faith Quran (2:191-193)would lead indeed to a hell of hate rather than to a heaven of love.



"In 1892, the Swiss Animal Protection Association launched a popular initiative against shechita. Although the Federal Council and the Federal Assembly moved to reject this initiative, it was accepted on 20th August 1893.
The Federal Constitution was then amended as follows by Article 25bis: ‘The slaughter of animals without prior stunning before the withdrawal of blood is prohibited without exception for every type of slaughter and every species of animal.’ "
Quote from
According to
   ‘Most Muslims never heard about the person of the Holy Spirit’.

The Holy Spirit, to me, is the spirit of love,
where one finds oneself, and without which or who, one loses oneself.

van Chapman

For further meditations on this,
see a dialogue  LOVE OR BELIEF

-Philosophic Community Project-
For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.

14 Oct. 2014
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?

14 Oct. 2014

Pride of power is an evil illusion.
To have a deadly weapon does not make you just or true.

The truth is that anyone with a deadly weapon can do that:
hijack  you, even in name of God:
Create a belief and tell you that if you do not believe, he will kill you,
send you to hell.
And to do this is evil.

What has violating, raping, hijacking, enslaving, to do with love?

As J. Krishnamurti understood, violence and fear destroy love.

Even if one violates you, enslaves you through force,
one will not win your heart,
or force you to imitate his violence,
unless you become  heartless yourself.

Your spirit is free. No one can violate your consciousness
unless you allow fear to dominate it.

Love and clarity cannot be won through threat and fear,
through a violent belief.

One cannot  force love or clarity to come by violence, by a violent belief!

This is the understanding of true people of peace, like Gandhi.
Should they be forced by Allah to convert to Islam
and its cold blooded killing and bloody jihad?
I do not think so.

Humans should do better, not worse than beasts.

In the wild, animals would probably be killed by disease or violent predators. All I could ask is for a happy life, and a peaceful death, like going to sleep.

After our death, who would not give away any organ if it could save someone's life? So this is my request: Those who raise animals must give them a happy life and peaceful death. If someone sacrifices an animal, it must be like putting the animal to sleep without fear or pain. Not as in those so called holy cold-blooded murder of sheep without sedation. I have stopped eating meat from them, and I tell them why, so they consider well what they call holy traditions.

Personally, like my friend vegetarians, I have no need and no heart to kill a bull, a cow, a warm blooded animal to eat. But if on the other hand, if I think of a good barbeque ... what a waste for it all to rotten away and pollute the air every time a cow or bull would die...
Humans should do better, not worse than beasts. I respect and ask respect for someone who denies eating animals out of love for them. I recognize this angelic aspect is superiour to simple human philosophy like mine. But whatever you do, do not do to another what you would not have done unto you...
van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project


Tweets by @van_chapman

What does self defense has to do with philosophy, wisdom or truth?

And to this they call self defence.
14 Oct. 2014
To pre-scientific societies, the world was flat,
the sun and the stars turned around the earth.
At sunset, the sun sunked
in a mud pool at the horizon.

The biblical 'Day of Creation'
would be around 3761 BC.

And some of their "Words of God"
did not consider God a father
because they ruled not with uplifting,
enlightening love,
but wih a damning iron heart,
which killed the ignorant,
and not the ignorance!

Surely God's Word need urgent updating…
"Voice of eternal love music project".

True angels
destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.

proposition: the creation of an channel of uninterrupted transmission of the highest artistic level which bring to all people
the expression of the most noble sentiments of the human consciousness and soul.

-In this project we would like to find a musical heaven, an expression of a great soul and spiritual consciousness.
Love is higher than the conflicting ideas of God in this world.

Philosophic Community Projects

Here a film composer who normally makes every kind of popular style music,
and suddenly creates this:!
Here a fragment :

Luminescence (Hamisa Dor / Vladimir Cosma)

Luminescence (Hamisa Dor / Vladimir Cosma)
Lisa Lévy (soprano) et Jacqueline Mayeur (mezzo-soprano)
Orchestre symphonique Bel'Arte (responsable Richard Boudharam)
*London Symphony Orchestra dirigé par Vladimir Cosma


About us: We are running a non profit society called Naturestudio.
On our sites you can see my efforts (van Chapman ) to peacefully solve some conflicts in the world as religious or theocratic terrorism, through promoting self awareness. intelligence and not war.


What has self defence to do with philosophy, wisdom or truth?

And to this they call self defence.

is love
Beliefs are many

New page :  Update your God

14 Oct. 2014
To pre-scientific societies, the world was flat,
the sun and the stars turned around the earth.
At sunset, the sun sunked
in a mud pool at the horizon.

The biblical 'Day of Creation'
would be around 3761 BC.

And some of their "Words of God"
told to kill unbelieves!

Surely God's Word needs urgent updating…

If you are in a desert, it is great to find water and turn it into an oasis. But if instead you rather fast for days in the desert and are satisfied with a mirage or vision, I don't care which, to make a work of art and beauty, out of it is also fine; but rather not kitsch, and certainly not a terrorist state! 
Brazilian Rain Forest Photos by
van Chapman   Click here to see more

is love
Beliefs are many,
love is

Update your God
Urgent! Security warning:Update your God !

For a peaceful, intelligent solution of terrorism

Philosophic Community Projects

"Do not believe in anything, no matter where you have read or who said it, even if I'm the one who said it, unless it agrees with your own conclusions and your own common sense."-Buddha

is love
Beliefs are many
love is

Beliefs are many, love is One.
Terrorist unquestionable regimes
or beliefs, are those which
condemning killing, force you to kill,
condemning robbing, force you to rob,
and condemning lying, force you to lie,
for the sake of authority,
forsaking love, denying truth.
To pre-scientific societies, the world was flat,
the sun and the stars turned around the earth.
At sunset, the sun sunk
in a mud pool at the horizon.
The biblical 'Day of Creation'
would be around 3761 BC.
And some of their "Words of God"
persecuted  unbelievers.
Surely God's Word needs urgent updating…
Is it loyalty or ego to turn a blind eye
to one's own shortcomings?

How can one defend the truth
with double standards, or double faces?

Self defence may have  to do with a unquestioning belief,
but what has that to do with wisdom or truth?

Apologetics often see each other's contradictions,
avoiding to see their own.
Truth has nothing to do with male or female leadership
but with self-awareness.
By chance, does one have to have a beard,
to say the truth?

So, ironically, could it be, that exactly the unconditioned,
and un -prejudiced  "unbelievers",  can see love,  can see the truth ?

"How can a mind full of beliefs be clear ?"
Asked once  J.Krishnamurti.

Philosophic Community Projects
Rather than: kill unbelievers wherever you find them,
kill falsehood, wherever you find- even in your holy books!
van Chapman 
For a peaceful, intelligent solution of terrorism

Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

"Do not believe in anything, no matter where you have read or who said it, even if I'm the one who said it, unless it agrees with your own conclusions and your own common sense."-Buddha

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is love
Beliefs are many
Urgent! Security warning:Update your God !
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.
Update your (understanding of) God.
Beliefs are many,
love is

"Do not believe in anything, no matter where you have read or who said it, even if I'm the one who said it, unless it agrees with your own conclusions and your own common sense."-Buddha

New discussions.
Follow on



Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

New discussions.
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is love
Beliefs are many.
Urgent! Security warning:Update your God !
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.
Update your (understanding of) God.
Beliefs are many,
love is

"Do not believe in anything, no matter where you have read or who said it, even if I'm the one who said it, unless it agrees with your own conclusions and your own common sense."-Buddha

is love
Beliefs are many.
Urgent! Security warning:Update your God !
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.
Update your (understanding of) God.
Beliefs are many,
love is

New discussions.
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Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Should capital punishment be abolished?

is One,
Beliefs are many;
Love is

You do not have to curse others.
it is enough to see them just as they are being.

and what they actually are
thinking they are,
they are.
See what
See what
you are
thinking you are,
and what you actually are.

It is enough to see yourself just as you are being:
You do not have to curse yourself!

Love is One, beliefs are many.
Philosophic Community Projects

New page  click here:  Update your God

Share your thoughts...
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Should Capital Punishment be Abolished?


is One,
Beliefs are many;
Love is

You do not have to curse others.
it is enough to see them justly as they are being.

and what they actually are
thinking they are,
they are.
See what
See what
you are
thinking you are,
and what you actually are.

It is enough to see yourself justly as you are being:
You do not have to curse yourself!

Love is One, beliefs are many.
Philosophic Community Projects

New page  click here:  Update your God

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Click here to see  NATURE PHOTOS  by Myriam Vandenberghe

Man Invents Machine To Convert Plastic Into Oil


DearMuslim, maybe you will like this.
Bird loves Egyptian music
Não se assuste.
Quando eu disse que abriria todas as gaiolas,
não disse que forçaria os prisioneiros a saír.

Gaiolas podem ser temporárias clínicas,  não destinos eternos.

Clique para ler mais5 March 13:34
O que é este Projeto Filosofico: Espero responder às suas perguntas: -Aqueles que conheceram a maravilha e pureza dos rios e consciência nas proximidades das fontes e vêem o quanto estas se tornam poluidas, fétidas, á proporção que penetram as barulhentas, violentas e orgulhosas favelas ou cidades dos homens, aqueles que viram isto não param de perguntar a si mesmos e aos homens: -Porque? Como remediar este mal? Como evitar que isto aconteça e destrua a beleza da vida e do nosso planeta? E não pararão de fazer tais perguntas apesar daqueles que resentem como coisas insuportáveis a sua consciência, seu questionamento, e se voltam contra, ofendidíssimos, ("Quem manda aqui é nós que é Brasileiro"), dizem êles. a ponto de nos querer calar a voz, bater, quebrar ou matar: Porque? Porque querem possuir e mandar na terra e nos outros, sem razão. Com orgulho, não sabedoria. Porque se deleitam em prazeres barulhentos, brutos, desrespeituosos, vaidosos, violentos, como o tom da música dêles, e o som de seus canos de descarga quebrados de propósito, que impõem sem perguntar se incomodam; e exigen que se escute, que se sufoque, sem reclamar. Sem ver nem se importar nem cuidar da beleza da natureza, da beleza do amor e do ser verdadeiro em sua pureza original. Como se pode possuir a beleza da terra, da verdade, poluindo-a, violando-a? van Chapman

Letter to president Obama

9 October 2014
Dear president Obama,
My sympathy for your gracious leadership and tremendous effort to keep up with so many issues to be resolved in this world.

I sincerely hope to help you understand the question of ISIS from a spiritual, non-religious perspective.

Let me confirming what Brother Rashid said to you :
in "A Message to President Obama from a former Muslim"
( ).

Understanding the real nature of the problem of ISIS is crucial for solving it.
A call to self- awareness to Jihadists is needed, as well as to the awareness
that a fanatic, unquestioning belief, is not conducive to love and sincerity.

Love and sincere self-awareness alone could liberate us from religious
or other form of tyranny.

Best wishes for all.

Philosophic Community Project -

van Chapman

For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.

Here are some related tweets and other Facebook posts:

Rather than kill unbelievers wherever you find them,
kill falsehood wherever you find
-even in your holy books!


Jihad unveiled: lying and murder may defend beliefs, not truth.
It only reveals how false, murderous are their beliefs! 

A terrorist mind has been hijacked by a belief.
Ask a jihadist what he prefers: -Questions, or bombs?
If you question (the belief) you will be sentenced to death and hell.
If someone questions it, (the belief) kill him and send him to hell.

Holy war?  End hypocrisy, and the hypocrite is no more!
End stupidity, and the stupid one ceases to be."

J. Krishnamurti, a wise man, once said:
"How can a mind full of beliefs be clear?"

There have been wise men throughout history,
like him Lao Tzu, Buddha,
who warned against indiscriminate,
unquestioning following, even of themselves.

If we, humans, descend from the apes,
or if our ancestors were barbarians,
(even if at the time, they were less barbarians than most,)
should we venerate them, today and imitate their behaviour,
even in their slaughter?


Let me be honest with you,
because a Muslim who is trying to seduce you
to his "religion of Peace" will probably not
or no one would be seduced!:

In a Islamic State, you are a Muslim
if you are born of Muslim parents.
You may not have chosen the Islam,
but the punishment for leaving Islam,
(in some Islamic  States), is the death sentence!
- Sahih Muslim, 16:4152
The Koran contradicts itself in this,
saying there is no compulsion in religion.

So what is true?

If diametrically opposite commands
like these can co-exist,
in their Koran or other Islamic teachings,
there is cause for bloody conflict
in the teachings themselves.
Muslims  are divided in this issue. Is this their fault?
No. But they may not blame the religion.
That is also called apostasy in Islam.

From what I read, this is exactly what is happening
since the death of Mohammed.
between for example Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
Because of this terror religious doctrine,
that sanctions killing
in name of God, Muslims are killing each other,
over almost any difference of belief!
According to critics of Mohammed, as Moses before him,
he has even  killed for a criticism!
And that is not intelligent, is it?

Such is the belief of the Muslims.
But not as they see it,
if they may not be critical of the Islam.

Phobia means fear. irrational fear - 
I neither fear or hate Muslims.
Muslims learn to fear Islam, submit to it: believe or die!
They are Islamophobes, Islam fearing, not I.

For me, God is love. Islam not.
Love is stronger.

I would not kill someone for their belief,
as ISIS in a Jihad does.

Instead, I would try to reason with Mohammed and his God:
-What if I said:
"-You are free to love me or not"?
That would be loving, fair, not?
But if I said: "-Love me or I will kill you",
or:"-If you leave me I will kill you,"
what for a person would I be?
A beast?
What has possessiveness to do with wisdom and love?
What does this have to do with the Most Graceful?

1- "There is no compulsion in religion."
2- "No other religion other than Islam will be allowed."
3 -"The punishment for leaving Islam is the death penalty."

I am free to see what I see.
(I see this basic contradiction with love in Islam.).

If I must believe it makes sense when it does not,
and I will be killed, the fundamentals of Islam violate
a fundamental right of consciousness :
to see for itself!

Philosophic  Community  Project -
van Chapman
For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism


Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 3:22 AM
To: naturestudio
Subject: Shameful
Extract of a notification sent from the White House to Naturestudio

(Quote)"a few minutes ago, a minority in the United States Senate decided it wasn't worth it. They blocked common-sense gun reforms even while these families looked on from the Senate gallery.
By now, it's well known that 90 percent of the American people support universal background checks that make it harder for a dangerous person to buy a gun. We're talking about convicted felons, people convicted of domestic violence, people with a severe mental illness. Ninety percent of Americans support that idea. Most Americans think that's already the law.
And a few minutes ago, 90 percent of Democrats in the Senate just voted for that idea. But it's not going to happen because 90 percent of Republicans in the Senate just voted against that idea. " (end quote).

Naturestudio answers:

Thank you for contacting Naturestudio.
I see it is a shame to Republicans.
Will publish a synthesis of your news on my website and face book.

Sent previously  to the Whitehouse
December 2012

What to do to change the weapon possession race in the US as in the rest of the World?

The answer is simple ’Do not do to others what you would not like to be done to yourself.’

As by American Foreign Policy the right to (Nuclear) arms possession is to be strictly forbidden to terrorists, and limited to countries or individuals who fully comply with human rights, so should the same as a law apply within the US for the arms possession of each member State or individual citizen.

Arm the just and fair, unarm the unjust and unfair, so one may not need to resort to deadly weapons, for
true angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

van Chapman
-Philosophic Community Projects -


Thank you for contacting the White House.


Thank you for contacting the White House.

No politician’s bla bla bla ! All arguments here come from Islam's history therefore it is an appeal to consciousness, that we question ourselves and beliefs...not a proof of anything, except that the horrors people have done and continue to do in name of belief creates hell, not paradise!

( Quotes from  )
''The prophet of Islam raped, terrorized, and murdered his way to the first Caliphate in Islamic history. It's all very clear from Islam's "holy" books that the latest Muslim nation is nearly identical to the first.
• Forced conversions, extortion, and terror in the new Islamic State
"If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya [infidel protection tax]. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them." -Muhammad
• Little kids murdered in Iraq by the Islamic State
"Messenger of Allah, we kill children of polytheists during night raids. He said: They are from them"
• Islamic State mercilessly slaughters "apostates"
"Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him."-Muhammad
• Genocide inside the Islamic State
"Kill any Jew who falls into your power." -Muhammad
• Islamic State turns captured infidels into sex slaves
"We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation and those [captives] your right hand possesses" -Muhammad
• Not one Christian left in Mosul
"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim." -Muhammad
The Islamic State is a bloody nightmare today, just as it was 1400 years ago.
Related Posts
Facts are stubborn things: Islam by the numbers
Facts are stubborn things: U.S. offering over $300 million for Muslim terrorists
Facts are stubborn things: The most wanted terrorists are all Muslims
Facts are stubborn things: Islam is the religion of terror
Posted by Fatwa on Islam at 2:10 AM No comments:
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( Quotes from ):
[Português pagina]

Pintura por Isolda Hermes da Fonseca
(Rio de Janeiro 1924 - 2004)
'In search of beauty'

'A face é a grande paisagem',
dizia a querida pintora Brasileira
Isolda Hermes da Fonseca.
(mãe de van Chapman
e Paula Chapman).

Clique aqui para ver maravilhosas obras!

Please tell judges and leaders of all nations that to condemn anyone, one needs proof, not beliefs! -Unite to end violence in name of God, of belief! Thanks!

Philosophic Community Project
-A worldwide proposal to help raise consciousness which can  prevent terrorism.

The essence of the petitions I created on (also for a month on the site of the White House) is perhaps too broad, and deep, and seemingly too simple for most people who are practical minded.
It contains an indispensable insight, which could solve, without violence, the greatest problem we face today in the world: how to deal with the unsolvable conflicts created by terrorist ideologies and their fanatic, unquestioning adepts.
Please visit this page on my website and you will understand what is my proposition of what needs to be done, and taken as an indispensable part of every human relationship, as well as of the international relationships- in the national education, the legal system, the law, and even in the national security of every country of the world.
Its success is a long term one in the world community terms, but it can be instantaneous, in regards to any individual. It is abstract, and to the point at the same time. It represents a great leap for any individual and for humanity, more than for men to have walked on the moon. It represents a step in evolution, from relationships based on power and submission to power and never ending rivalry, competition and wars to a true communion in clear mutual understanding and collaboration.
So far hardly anyone had a chance to see because I love to live and work in nature, in solitude, or with a few friends..

You will find my contacts on the social media,
and the two petitions here

Please tell judges and leaders of all nations that to condemn anyone, one needs proof, not beliefs! -Unite to end violence in name of God, of belief ! Thanks!

the petition
here on
Best wishes to all
Really appreciate you being there!
I am
founder and creator of the non-profit society Naturestudio.
(artist name:)
van Chapman.
Philosophic Community Project


twitter  van_chapman

Follow @van_chapman

Unite to end violence in name of belief!

To condemn one needs proof, not beliefs! If one understood this, one would not be a terrorist!


your friend in love of truth.

Hate is the false prophet,
love is the true master.
There is no holy ground which
has been won
by cruel violence and hate.

Holy is the love and understanding
between all people."

(van Chapman)

-Philosophic Community Projects -

"Nao acredite em nada, não importa onde o tenhas lido ou quem o disse, mesmo se fui eu quem o disse, a menos que esteja de acordo com suas próprias conclusões e seu próprio senso comum." - Budha

Ao condenar, o justo precisa de provas, não crenças.
Até hoje, o sem o anjo do amor e justiça, que proíbe a violência por preconceito, ou mera crença, o Monotheismo de Abraão, vem se dividindo, em incontáveis, inquestionáveis rivalidades dogmáticas que se excomunicam mútuamente (como as versões violentas do Judaismo, Cristianismo, e o Islãmismo),  vem se auto-destruindo, pela falta de consciência,  pela cega obediência á autoridade dita religiosa, mesmo quando esta é sem sentido, mesmo no crime, mesmo quando esta incita aos próprios crimes que condena, colhe em dobro o que semeou- a querra aparentemente sem fim, do terrorismo religioso; que acima de tudo teme, sem razão, às perguntas sinceras,  à auto crítica,  o auto-conhecimento, à luz do anjo da razão do próprio amor.
Ao condenar, o justo precisa de provas, não crenças.
Não destrua o homem falso, mas a falsidade nêle.

Nesta compreensão se baseia a petição que devemos enviar aos líderes e juizes supremos de todas as nações...

Leia mais,
Assine e Repasse aqui:

petition here on


To condemn another one needs proof, not belief!

If only one understood this, one could not be a terrorist!

-A worldwide proposal to help raise consciousness
so,  prevent terrorism!

Please sign and re-pass this petition:

Some more information about this petition:

To condemn another one needs proof, not belief!
To condemn anyone for a belief is to commit injustice!
Justice is to destroy falseness, not the false!

one would not consent in acts of horror
as committed in name of God (in the
Inquisition of the Church, or the violent jihad in the name of Islam).

Philosophic Community Project

is love
Beliefs are many
Urgent! Security warning:Update your God !
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?
Update your (understanding of) God.
Beliefs are many,
love is

"Do not believe in anything, no matter where you have read or who said it, even if I'm the one who said it, unless it agrees with your own conclusions and your own common sense."-Buddha

is love
Beliefs are many,
love is

For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.
-Philosophic Community Projects -

is love
Beliefs are many
Urgent! Security warning:Update your God !
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?
Update your (understanding of) God.

Beliefs are many,
love is

For a peaceful, intelligent solution of terrorism

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman

Terrorist unquestionable regimes or beliefs are those
which condemning killing, force you to kill,
condemning robbing, force you to rob,
and condemning lying, force you to lie,
for the sake of authority,
forsaking love, denying truth.


To pre-scientific societies, the world was flat,
the sun and the stars turned around the earth.
At sunset, the sun sunk
in a mud pool at the horizon.
The biblical 'Day of Creation'
would be around 3761 BC.
And some of their "Words of God"
persecuted  unbelievers.
Surely God's Word needs urgent updating…


Is  it loyalty or ego to turn a blind eye
to one's own shortcomings?
How can one defend the truth
with double standards, or double faces?
Self defence may have  to do with a unquestioning belief,
but what has that to do with wisdom or truth?

Apologetics soften see each other's contradictions,
avoiding to see their own.

Truth has nothing to do with male or female leadership
but with self-awareness.
By chance, does one have to have a beard to say the truth?

So, ironically, could it be, that exactly the unconditioned,
and un -prejudiced  "unbelievers",
are just the ones who can see love, who can see the truth ?

"How can a mind full of beliefs be clear ?"
Asked once  J.Krishnamurti.

Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

is love
Beliefs are many
Urgent! Security warning:Update your God !
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.
Update your (understanding of) God.
Beliefs are many,
love is

"Do not believe in anything, no matter where you have read or who said it, even if I'm the one who said it, unless it agrees with your own conclusions and your own common sense."-Buddha

New discussions.
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"Voz do amor eterno"
Projeto cultural musical

Precisa-se de prova, não de uma crença, para se condenar alguem!


"Voz do amor eterno"
Projeto cultural musical

Não se assuste.
Quando eu disse que abriria todas as gaiolas,
não disse que forçaria os prisioneiros a saír delas.

Explicando á uma petição (em Inglês) à administração do Presidente Obama, através do próprio site da Casa Branca,  pedindo a todos os líderes e juizes do mundo que se unam contra a violência em nome de uma crença.

A razão não poderia ser mais simples e clara:
Para condenar alguem, alguma coisa, o justo, a justiça precisa provas, não crenças!

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project

"Justice needs proof, not belief!'

Thanks sign-re-pass!

If you enlighten ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would you rather perpetuate violence?

What does Facebook consider to be hate speech?
If you publish quotes from the Koran on Facebook,
for educational purposes, who will Facebook Policy accuse
of discriminating hate speech: - this person, or the Koran ?
Bukhari 52:260 :"If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him." (Google it).
"Content that attacks people based on their actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or disease is not allowed. We do, however, allow clear attempts at humor or satire that might otherwise be considered a possible threat or attack. This includes content that many people may find to be in bad taste (ex: jokes, stand-up comedy, popular song lyrics, etc.)." end quote.

Naturestudio officially a VZW since 2010,
a non-Governmental, non-profit organization.

promotes spiritual self awareness,
and the contemplation of the beauty of Nature
through Art and Philosophy .

"Terrorists are not afraid of bombs, they are afraid of questions."

Abstract waterforms 1 from Mysticwater by van Chapman

-Philosophic Community Projects

Abstract waterforms 1 from Mysticwater by van Chapman

What is the incompatibility between us?

I get upset with people
when they are not really sincere and open.
They get upset when they are!

"Terrorists are not afraid of bombs, they are afraid of questions."

Naturestudio VZW                                                            
Algemene vergadering 2016
With  inspiration derived from direct contact with unspoiled nature, in photos by Myriam Vandenberghe, or photos,  films and and writings by van Chapman,  we continue creating new  series of Naturestudio Timeline Photos, and sending them through the World Wide Web, to promote the beauty of nature, of love, truth  and justice. - Through its Philosophic Community Project, in particular, van Chapman proposes an intelligent, peaceful prevention of terrorism and world conflict, through dialogue, reason,  (rather than justification of injustice and war).

"The challenge and solution for the conflict of beliefs in this world, is to place justice and truth above anyone, not vice versa."
We like to promote a way of relationship free of hypocrisy, based on fearless sincerity in a friendship, clarity and mutual understanding, rather than a way based on 'unquestioning' authorities, (such as the beliefs on prophets, gurus, masters, dictators, or mafia bosses , (relation in which one must silence the truth, if not flattering to each other's beliefs). 

Naturestudio has sent this message around the world, to reporters, radio, or TV senders as BBC and CNN, to the United Nations Security Counsil, to members of the Parliament and Counsil of Europe, to organizations as Climate Change (Al Gore), or party leaders as Geert Wilders (Nederlands), to members of  the FBI, and anti terrorism organizations,  heads of countries as president Obama in the US,  François Hollande (France), Angela Merkel (Germany), Elio Di Rupo and Louis Michel (Belgium), Dilma Rousseff (Brasil), and David Cameron, (prime minister of the UK), to mention some people.

Here are some links:,

our website:

and other  social media as Youtube,



and  Google+:

Naturestudio has tried to transmit a vision for a more reasonable, united and peaceful world, chalenging believers of all creeds to reason and seek the truth , rather than to make war to each other based on prejudices and beliefs.

As before, Naturestudio has not earned but spent our private material resources with the help of Myriam and Carl Vandenberghe, to realize Naturestudio's projects.

Present, the founders:  Geraldine Fonseca Chapman, (artist name: van Chapman), founder and  president,

Myriam Vandenberghe, stichter, bestuurder, secretaris-penningmeester;

Carl Vandenberghe, bestuurder,  hulpsecretaris

click here to see

To the United Nations Human Rights Organization :
For further meditations on this,
see a dialogue  LOVE OR BELIEF

This message was translated in many languages and given to the Parliament and Council of Europe, Strasbourg, in 1999:

Commentary on Obama's last State of the Union speech:
- Proud of him! Obama is the most open president of the US I heard ever!. Even when saying one may not offend a Muslim (just for being a Muslim). Whatever we think truth is, is not going to change what truth is. We are what we are regardless of what we think (believe) we are, or another may think...
But more understanding is needed here, and sometimes, even Obama is not really honest about it - what Islam is, in itself, as an ideology.

Honest dialogue to find out together what makes sense, or not, about a belief, is better than to promote a tyrannical and unquestionable person, or belief, which only allows justification of itself, silencing all criticism, imposing itself through power and violence, rather than reason.

(The illusion of power is to think he who is pointing the weapon is the one who is right!)

Muslims may be offended and violent to the point of murder, if you just reason with or criticize their prophet, or the Koran (as the traditional history says their prophet himself has done :see link below).

In general; no one is allowed to criticize this belief, and its set of rules, or sharia, however unreasonable these rules may be, or they are discriminated, punished, or even killed, because their prophet, at a later stage in his life, demanded Muslims (in name of God) to discriminate against all who are non-believers of his belief!
(Muslims do not like to be discriminated for their belief, their prophet's belief, yet, their prophet's Koran teaches them to discriminate others for their beliefs !

So in this way the prophet of Islam was wrong and you can see why. Love says: do not do to another what one does not like to be done to.

Islam may accept a man to have a harem of women: history tells the prophet had much more than 5 women, as did old testament illustrious figures, like King Solomon; but if any of these women took another man besides their husband, she was a whore, (not them, if they had many women! ) ! and the punishment for that in those barbaric times, since Moses, was to be stoned to death. Is this justice?

Do not make yourself illusions about these contradictory beliefs in the name of a merciful and wise God! -Reason with your beliefs!

So we must learn to place justice and truth above anyone, not anyone above truth and justice, whatever our religious origin!
van Chapman,
Philosophic Community Project
comment on President Obama Delivers his Final State of the Union Address

This link leads to a page from Faith Freedom International
that has been hidden…/sina/call_to_muslims.htm
So let me un-hide this very important letter:

A Call To Muslims of the World
From Faith Freedom International

is love
Beliefs are many.
Urgent! Security warning:Update your God !
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.
Update your (understanding of) God.
Beliefs are many,
love is

New discussions.
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Abstract waterforms 1 from Mysticwater by van Chapman

Who fears the truth, the humble or the proud?

Who is loyal? A believer or a friend?

The believer, who can only flatter you,
who justifies everything you are saying,
not because it is right but because you said it,
or the friend,
who is free to see you exactly as you are being,
who is free to question you,
if it makes sense or not what you say?

Who is the true friend?
who admits the truth though it hurts the ego,
or who will please the ego
though hurting the truth?

Who is humble?
One who ask sincerity, not perfection,
or one who asks perfection,
which one never can reach, but not sincerity?

Who is proud:
one who would rather flatter
and be flattered, even when  wrong,
or one who would rather what is just,
what is true, even if not flattering?

Are believers of any belief system
able to be coherent in a dialogue? 
Whether they were simple devotees,
or believers who justified terrorism,
this is not what any of them did,
be coherent, in a dialogue with me.

If I did not trust in the consciousness potential in humans
I would not have even started a dialogue with them.
I would be among those who prejudice those who prejudice,
and I would believe in violence against terrorism, not reason.

But I have faith that making good questions,
appealing to reason, to making sense can help
to create clarity where there is none!


Are believers of any belief system able to be coherent? 
To be consequent or to reason? I ask.

This is just how it goes, in practice, when I talk to them:

The conflict of beliefs which is dividing people
for millenniums can be cleared up.

We just have to look into it our beliefs with clarity
and humble sincerity and self criticism
which is hard to find, among believers.

In my experience, this conflict of beliefs
is not real problem to believers.
because if you believe,
it is not clarity what they want.

For example:
A devotee of Yogananda used to say to me that criticism,
even if true, should silenced.
She did not like to prove anyone right or wrong.
But did not mind to 'make believe'
to please someone.
So how can we even start
to clear anything with whom must seem happy
and sweet even when they do not feel it?
With someone who tries to look away
from conflicts?

The problem is not the contradiction
in name of God I show her
because she can pretend it does not exist,
but seeing what is, who is right and wrong,
The problem is clearing it up!

If you say a criticism to a devotee
about their belief, even if true, he or she
might blame you.
for example: that you (quote):
"live on meaningless, deliberately obscure,
Ego- centered nonsense" (end quote).

And  before you can explain and clear it up,
you are blocked out of the discussion.

Similarity, a terrorist believer could even kill you
for saying the truth about his prophet,
or belief, if it was not flattering!


Religious wars exist because unreasonable
unquestionable believers, rather make war than reason
with themselves, or their beliefs.
Because they do not to care the least to be coherent
in a dialogue when criticism is not allowed

Believers of many different beliefs I talked to
have this in common with the terrorists:

They argue that it is cruel and a disrespect to criticize
to say something unflattering, of their Guru,
prophet, or belief, even if it is true.
and some extend this to themselves and even their relations.
One may not see, not say what is not flattering to each other
no sincerity, only likes allowed!


I am not offering a belief system.
only a  no-nonsense honesty in a dialogue.

My faith is the self evidence
that truth love justice is greater
than untruth, hate, injustice.

A philosopher as a true friend,
does not mind to be confronted:
-If the criticism is right,
he will apologize,
and if he was misunderstood
he will explains himself.
But how can he explain himself,
if the other
the unquestionable authority
falsely accuses him
and wants no more discussion?

With my best wishes to all,
that one day
we no longer feel the need need
to be each other's believers, or followers,
but true, understanding friends !

Your friend in love of truth.

van Chapman,
Philosophic Community Project

My friend, I did not invent that the punishment for leaving Islam is the death penalty. It is the same in the mafia. (Bukhari (52:260) - "...The Prophet (Mohammed) said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' " ), The great majority of Muslims cannot even read so they believe whatever they are told.
From a Buddhist, Christian and related doctrine's point of view which preach that love is more just than hate, all Islam terrorists who kill people, rather than kill evil of hate itself, cannot be expected to go to paradise after life, as they are made to believe by their prophet Mohammed, for the logical reason that, if justice is superior to injustice, (which to me is evident it is), if there is justice up there, in the rule of the cosmos, : - You Reap What You Sow. !-*********************************************** (No wonder terrorist Muslims as true barbarians break Buddhist Christian and invaluable art works wherever they conquer. They certainly do not follow any spiritual light but its contradiction. **********Hate is the false prophet. Love is the true master.
(If you care to see and not put your head in the sand as most people do, then see for yourself). ***Here below is a letter from cultivated honest persons of Muslim Origins. If Muslims are cultivated, can reason, and have any sense of justice, they must leave Islam; even if they are threatened.
But it takes a lot of sincerity and courage to do that!
A Call To Muslims of the World
(Copied from from Faith Freedom International). click here:

Share Your Thoughts: 
Should capital punishment be abolished?

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins
For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

"Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins",

If you still did not see it this might interest you:
Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!
and EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!

  Holy war? -Combat falsehood, not those who are false !
That is what saviours do, true fathers & mothers of mankind!

Rather than (Koran) :'kill unbelievers wherever you find them' ,
kill falsehood , wherever you find it - even in your holy books!

I ask Obama how can he reconcile civil freedom and human rights with its antithesis, the Islam ?
Will he say- 'Yes we can?'
No. Only fearless and total sincerity can solve this impasse. By turning a 'politically correct' blind eye to Islam, Obama cannot solve the ISIS problem at its root, in the consciousness.
Only pass the problem on to another...

Whether it is the Islamic State or the United States, the problem with anyone, any state, starts when they  forsake and prohibit self-critic honesty. ( turning an 'Islamic correct' or 'politically correct-blind eye' to their own incoherence). Incoherence with what we know is the way of love and love's Justice, simply out of self interests- that is when a religion becomes terrorism, and a state stops the fair peace process to become a tyrannical invading force! Dear Muslims and dear Mr. President, understand this, for the best of all.

van Chapman (van_chapman) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from van Chapman (van_chapman). True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them...

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

is love
Beliefs are many
Urgent! Security warning:Update your God !
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?
Update your (understanding of) God.
Beliefs are many,
love is

"Do not believe in anything, no matter where you have read or who said it, even if I'm the one who said it, unless it agrees with your own conclusions and your own common sense."-Buddha

A new year's resolution for the world: Be free of unquestionable authorities!

(From a dialogue with a Muslim) 31/12/2015

Dear Ercy,
hope you are well with your new profession as a lawyer.

Would like to ask you a question for our dialogue on the web:

-I wonder if you are happy with the ISIS Islamic Sharia laws: Is that as you imagined it would be when you made propaganda of the return of the Caliphate?

Remember we discussed about this odd Holy Spirit theory you had, that it was Mohammed, and I told you you were totally wrong? Look at this video... -=

(Commentary on Youtube video:

'Man On A Mission' writes about Muhammad:

-a FRAUD, a paedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a cult leader, a megalomaniac, a rapist, a torturer, an assassin a looter and a slave trader. He beheaded 800 men and boys in one day. Married and had sex with a child, tortured and killed
people for financial gain. And lied and deceived and divided a nation; and caused the indirect death of millions of people.

(van Chapman) writes back to +Man On A Mission :--and continues to do so 'till this day by the empty heads of those who follow his example literally. That is why one has to be free of all authority before one can begin to have any clarity of mind and heart! Suggested reading of a man who freed himself in this way: Jiddu Krishnamurti? (google him!).
Pat Condelll - fluent words
of someone who has made his mind about Islam
Islam Exposed

Understanding this alone could be a vaccination against terrorism :)
True wisdom is to enlighten, to kill ignorance, not to kill unbelievers.
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.
If only one understood this, one could not be a terrorist!
Unite to end violence in name of God or belief! -
Sign the Petition! This is worldwide proposal to help raise consciousness
for a peaceful solution of world conflicts
and prevention of terrorism!

I agree not to insult another for a belief,
but not to flatter a belief which insults all who won't believe it.
I do not agree for example with this:  killing people because they leave a belief:
(as in  Bukhari 52:260 in Islam.)  This is one of the most violent;
shameful and unjust practices which can be committed,
much more if in name of wisdom, or of God).

Please sign and re-pass this petition:
"To condemn another one needs proof, not belief!"
van Chapman -Philosophic Community Projects

Bukhari (52:260) - The Prophet (Mohammed) said, "If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him"

PS: This link does not always work on Facebook, so Google it).
This is a must read   A Call To Muslims of the World ( via @Change via @Change

Share Your Thoughts: 
Should capital punishment be abolished?

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

Share Your Thoughts: 
Should capital punishment be abolished?

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

Share Your Thoughts: 
Should capital punishment be abolished?

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

Share Your Thoughts: 
Should capital punishment be abolished?

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

Share Your Thoughts: 
Should capital punishment be abolished?

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

Share Your Thoughts: 
Should capital punishment be abolished?

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins
Truth love justice makes sense.

To place someone above truth love justice who lies,
hates and commits injustice and call it God
may be thought to be religious,
but in fact it makes no sense at all!

Philosophic Community Project
Love is One, religions are many.
van Chapman

Here is a truth lover: Son of Hamas Leader -Mosab Hassan:
He sees no difference between terrorist Muslims and the moderate Muslims.
Moderate Muslims are more dangerous,
because they lie when they say Islam is a religion of peace
and when they deny the truth that Islam is what terrorists do
following the violent example of Mohamed.
What if we could tune into a musical heaven?
"The voice of eternal love music project"
This is still only a dream.
Proposition: the creation of an channel of uninterrupted transmission of the highest artistic level which bring to all people
the expression of the most noble sentiments of the human consciousness and soul.

Any suggestions of how this dream could become reality can be given to us on facebook

Philosophic Community Projects
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Should all people of the Earth share the same belief, or understand the true meaning of love ?

EXTRACTS of the book
"Light over water"

version for the web Text only.
A meditation on love- consciousness
Copyright Geraldine Fonseca Chapman
artist name van Chapman

Love is one,
beliefs are many


If Art is about inner truth, then nothing could be more actual in this world (of global warming, fratricide wars), than the treasures Myriam Vandenberghe discovers or creates in the silence of her kind soul. Rather than futuristic nightmares, I would rather  live in  the magical gardens she architects for the future: The green, pure, innocent, violence-free worlds  she paints and photographs.

As  the great classical music, Myriam's art and being, can be seen today as of another time; and  forgotten.
How much per cent of the population listens to the treasure of classical music in Radio stations as Klara? Alarming statistics in the past, if I remember well, said it is around one per cent of the population in the area.  I do not know if it has evolved.
The explanation for this phenomena is in the spiritual level of the masses.
As the stronger wavelengths of popular radio stations (like radio Donna) have dulled away the cultural radios, as Klara, in Belgium,  pop culture gurus would dull her work off the scene.

For most of the people, the real treasure of classic music or of Myriam's art is still buried.

Has the time come for it to be discovered ?  I can only present this mysterious person to you, personally, or through my own work, and hope you will see them as the treasures they are. The answer depends on you.

click to see more of  MYRIAM'S WORK :
[Nature photos-Myriam Vandenberghe]

[Nature paintings-Myriam Vandenberghe]

A WEB-SHOP for art
the eventual profit of selling of our nature photos will go to our non profit society
naturestudio VZW


in Brussels

Myriam’s PHOTOS for sale :

van Chapman's PHOTOS for sale:

We are not our beliefs.
We can believe the earth is flat, 
until we are shown it is a sphere.
We are still the same humans, only the belief changed...
Got it?

Answer to Muslim haters and truth haters:

Mohammed would kill someone who criticized him
or who would leave his belief  (Bukhari 52:260) !
Mohammed as his Koran are inhuman, if this is so.
Muslims are humans
but the belief can force some of them to act inhumanely.

What intelligent person (or God) would do this,
Force people to believe in him and act inhumanely,
or you will be killed?

Certainly they will never be a true prophet or God in my eyes!

A slave master relationship can turn you into a murderer.
Just look how dogs can be trained to do anything the boss orders!
But not if you free yourself from slavery!

Hitler condemned all Jews for being Jews,
Mohammed in the end would condemn all people for not following him
for not being Muslims.

I clearly denounce the tyranny in these ideologies.
Islamophobic,  Islam fearing, are those who will not leave Islam ,
or will not criticize Islam, out of fear,
or those who convert to Islam because they have been kidnapped by it,
by those who have been kidnapped or brain washed at their turn,
by this violent ideology or belief.

There would not be tyrants, if there was not subservience to them.


van Chapman -Philosophic Community Projects
Your friend in love of truth

Bukhari (52:260) - The Prophet (Mohammed) said, "If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him"

"The use of assassination to achieve political/religious goals has been important throughout the history of Arabia and Islamic expansion, and the very word "assassin"[1] has Arabic roots (???????).

This list contains the results and reasons for the targeted killings and assassinations ordered or supported by Prophet Muhammad, as well as the primary sources which mention these incidents." End quote: ……/List_of_Killings_Ordered_or_Support
This is a must read A Call To Muslims of the World: ).

To condemn another one needs proof, not belief!

If only one understood this, one could not be a terrorist!

-A worldwide proposal :
help raise consciousness to prevent terrorism!

Please sign and re-pass this petition:

destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.

Ultimately,  justice is to destroy falseness, not the false person!
To condemn another one needs proof, not belief!

Philosophic Community Project

August 2015
Dear President Obama,
My respect to you and your almost superhuman efforts to better your country and the world! You have been one of the best presidents ever, as far as I can see!

Just trying to help! This is the idea:The meaning of true love, the holy spirit is: If union makes strength, love is stronger than any other force- no religion teaching hate will win!
That is why one must not fear but unmask the fundamental violation of human rights of for example: Islamic State.?
Muslims famous moto is: -" Allah is Greater". If they mean convert by the sword, they have lost already in the court of the heart, for that is not justice!

I say love, the Holy Spirit is Greater, because I can prove Mohammed's Allah was not a product of a loving mind! And I did prove it, and anyone can!

You can add all tyranny to the list of powers that have already lost the final battle in the hearts of honest people!

In a philosophic dialogue or debate, the moment you place your personal conveniences above the truth you have already lost the discussion!

Best wishes for the peace in the world!
Philosophic Community Project
van Chapman…/posts


True angels
destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.

New page  click here:  Update your God

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Os verdadeiros anjos 
não destroem o homem mal, sim o mal no homem.

van Chapman
Projeto Comunidade Filosófica

Who fears the truth,
the humble or the proud?

The unquestioning believer is proud
on behalf of his authority.
Do believers fear the truth?
"Terrorists are not afraid of bombs, they are afraid of questions."

Who is loyal? A believer or a friend?

Your believer, who may only flatter you,
justify everything you are saying,
not because it is right
but because you said it,
or the friend,
who is free to see you exactly as you are, being,
who is free to question you,
if it makes no sense what you say or do?

Who is humble?
One who ask sincerity,
not perfection,
or one who asks perfection,
but not sincerity?

Who is the true friend?

The one who admits the truth
even if it hurts the ego,
(his own or another's),
or who will please the ego
though hurting the truth?

It is criucial to see this.

Are believers of any belief system
able to be coherent in a philosophical dialogue
when they would rather flatter and be flattered,
even when they have been wrong?

I have spoken to fanatic and non-fanatic believers,
but whether they were simple devotees,
or justified terrorism recommended by
a so called "Holy book", (the Koran or Bible or another),
(the potential terrorists)
they were not coherent, in a dialogue with me.

In a dialogue with me,
they have asked for loyalty to a belief,
but could not be sincere with me,
to the end in our dialogue.

A true philosopher as a just judge,
asks for sincerity, and truth, not a belief.

A believer as far as my experience,
asks for belief, but will not be sincere.
if you show contradictions in what he believes.

I have more faith  in the potential of consciousness
in man than the believers I spoke to.

Some  believed in some authority
which was supposed to be just and good
but instead of giving wisdom
(what he could do, if omnipotent,)
he sent them to eternal hell.
I find this to be a nonsense story to discipline children
but it makes no sense. And I can explain it:

Only a monster of a teacher would kill his students,
if they did not pass in an exam in a lifetime,
(which is only a moment in eternity).
and torture them for that for the rest of eternity.
Be so absurdly cruel, rather than giving them wisdom,
killing the illusion they have, in a dialogue.
as this one, for example!

- Update-your-god,  I say to believer a fairy tale
who believe in christmas man who is a male with a beard.
and who might even not have a true Christmas spirit at all!

Here is even a page I made with that title:
If I did not trust the potential consciousness
in humans, and even in some animals,
I would not have even started a dialogue with them.


(Today I have to try to teach a dum pigeon not to
defecate on the bird bath for all the birds...
What I have done is to leave there just a tyny amount of water,
with his droppings in it. So when he is thisty again,
he will wonder who was the stupid bird who did that,
in his bird bath water...
I have to sacrifice the other birds for awhile, because
they too will not be able to use deink water from there...
I hope it will work!)


If I would be among those who hate and prejudice
those who prejudice others for their belief,
(such as Mohammed did in his Koran),
I would believe that the only solution to the conflict of belief,
the only war on terror, was bloody violence, not reason.

But I see that love is greater than hate.
And out of sincerity and love for mankind,
I seek dialogue even with the enemy,
and speak to him about truth, love and justice,
placing that above anyone pretending to be God!.

This is my faith.

The conflict of beliefs dividing people on earth
for millenniums can be cleared up.

I have faith in a spirit of truth, love, justice.
Sometimes I like to call this the Holy Spirit.
But that spirit has not to do with what the Church
has done or said in name of it, if it made no sense
to my own sincere sense
of truth, love, justice.

I have faith in the power of good questions,
to appeal to reason, to what makes sense.

For in myself, making a good question create clarity,
where there was none!


Are believers of any belief system able to be coherent,
consequent, able to reason with their beliefs? I ask.

In practice, this is just how it goes:
To understand something, we have to look at it.
This is the first thing.
So we have to look into it our beliefs,
into its contradictions, with humility- abandon all pretense.
We need humble, sincere, fearless awareness.
for self awareness.

Is that possible?
Can you do that as a believer?
be self aware in relation to what we believe?
To the in-consequences in beliefs, not only those of others, but our own?
Can we do that together  in a dialogue without fighting?
In a civilized, courteous and honest way??


Here is an example from my experience in dialoguing
with believers:
A devotee of Yogananda used to say to me
that criticism, even if true, should be silenced.

She did not like to prove anyone right or wrong.
she said.
She also did not like to be proved wrong.
Even if she was wrong.

On the other hand, she did not mind to 'make believe'
to fake a love or a smile to please someone.
She even advise me I try to do this.

This is compassion, in her eyes.

So, how can we even start to clear any conflict
with whom must seem happy and sweet
even when they do not feel it
and who tries to look away from conflicts
or silence defects ?
The problem of the contradictions
in name of God , for example,
create the most hopeless, desperate blood wars
for milleniums, which I try to show her, talk about it to her,
is not even a  problem for her; because
she can even pretend it does not exist!!!

If you criticize devotees like these,
their belief, even if the critic is well founded,
they might blame you as one has blamed me:
that I, who tries to reason, when they do not, (quote):
"live on meaningless, deliberately obscure,
Ego- centered nonsense" (end quote).

Surely this hurts a sense of Justice.

And  before you can explain and clear it up,
you are blocked, and  out of the discussion.on Facebook!

Similarity, a terrorist believer could even kill you
for saying the truth about his prophet, or belief, if it was not flattering!

In my experience, this conflict of beliefs
is not the real problem to believers.
because it is not clarity they want, but belief!

For believers, the problem is seeing what is, for themselves.
because in a belief system you do not have to see but obey.

You do not have to prove or see right from wrong for themselves,
Someone else says it for you and you just have to repeat this
that mantra, like a parrot.

For believers, like this the problem is self awareness of belief.
The conflict they live in is not.  The problem is clearing it up!

This, for me, is putting the head in the sand
and thinking it is a way to self realization!

(PS: I should draw a sticker and put it here telling this!)


Why do religious wars exist?
Obviously it is because one may  question them.
Because believers like these,
like vain people, only listen to compliments.
about those in whom they believe!
But this is not love for the true self.

Unreasonable believers are proud on behalf
of their unquestionable authorities.
And they will rage at you,
when you show something unflattering in them
even if this is true.
This is the cage they are in. and want to drag you in to.

Jiddu Krishnamurti understood this before I was even born.
and I remain grateful there is  intelligence like his, in this world!

Confrontations can be inspiring, to a philosopher,
if you do not fear the truth.

Unquestioning believers do not appreciate intelligent confrontations,
for the word for them is submission.
And in their turn, they become the tyrant to others.

Unquestionable authorities cannot dialogue with each other.
if they, like vain people, only listen to compliments !

unquestionable authorities, or beliefs
and their followers have  no other way than to make war,
if one may not reason with them.

And they could blame the philosophers, the unbelievers
who can solve this conflict of beliefs
through intelligence alone, ,not authority,
through a civilized,  sincere,  truth loving dialogue.

Believers , terrorists or not,have this in common:
it is disrespect to criticize to say something unflattering, of their Guru,
prophet, or belief, even if it is true.

I am not offering a belief system.
only a  no-nonsense honesty in a dialogue.

My faith is the self evidence that truth love justice is greater
than untruth, hate, injustice.

A philosopher as a true friend,
does not mind to be confronted:
-If the criticism is right, he will apologize,
and if he was misunderstood
he will explains himself.
But how can he explain himself,
if the other falsely accuses him and blocks him,
and wants no more discussion?

To my friend believers,
with my best wishes to all.

May one day we no longer feel the need to be
each other's believers, or followers,
but mutually understanding,
true friends !

Your friend in love of truth.

van Chapman,
Philosophic Community Project